5 Favorite Cleaning Supplies

If you’ve ever lived with me, you know I love to clean. More specifically, I love cleaning bathrooms because I love the smell of toilet bowl cleaner. Not in a weird way- but just in a wow my bathroom smells clean way (okay, I guess that is weird).

So if you’re wondering what makes me cleaning happy and what YOU should consider stocking in your cleaning arsenal, here are a few of my favorites.

1- Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Tried and true, this is the best-smelling toilet bowl cleaner that I rave about. It may not be the best one out there (I don’t even use the one with bleach) but at least it smells good. I get mine at the dollar store!

2- Gel Bleach

I’m scared of the real pour bleach. I’m not really sure why. But the gel bleach comes packaged like my toilet bowl cleaner so the familiarity works for me. Something about bleached white sheets screams comfy cozy hotel bed to me- and now I get that at home!

3- Windex with vinegar

If you hate the smell of vinegar, then don’t get this. But I LOVE the way it smells- and so do my roommates. It’s multisurface and works on really anything. I use it to clean my floors, countertops and even my mirrors.

4- Magic Erasers 

If you have never used a magic eraser, than you are missing out! While I don’t use them for average day clean ups (they are too expensive for me) I use them for things I don’t want to scrub like crazy. I use them most often for cleaning the tub or the strange marks that happen on my fridge. While I haven’t tried them- there is this pin going viral on Pinterest that talks about all the things you can do with them.

5- Lavender trash bags

Not really a cleaning item, but nevertheless, still awesome. Having pretty smelling trash bags makes me more likely to change the trash bag than to let it stay there stinking up the place.


What are your favorite cleaning supplies? Trust me… I want to know.

1 thought on “5 Favorite Cleaning Supplies”

  1. Lavender trash bags rock! I once accidentally bought vanilla and I nearly gagged every time I opened the lid. Lesson learned. I love using multi-surface Windex as well. It reminds me of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding.”

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