Movie List 2013

So for the past few years, reading 12 books has been on my resolution list. It’s gone very well, and I’m sure I’ll continue it (especially because I’ve somehow become involved in two book clubs).

But for 2013 I want to try something new: watch more movies.

I don’t watch movies. Not because I don’t want to, but because I never really pick it as a thing to do. There are many movies this past year that I haven’t seen- and many from the years before that which I haven’t seen either.

So while I’ll continue reading- I also want to commit to watching more movies!

Some on my list for 2013:

  1. Avatar
  2. Skyfall
  3. Lincoln
  4. 50/50
  5. The Help
  6. Moneyball
  7. Hugo
  8. The Artist
  9. The Fighter
  10. Ted
  11. The Hobbit
  12. Life of Pi
  13. Argo
  14. Inception
  15. Casablanca
  16. Memento
  17. Singin’ in the Rain
  18. Black Swan
  19. Pitch Perfect

Looks like I’m becoming a Netflix subscriber again and stocking up on the movie popcorn. Who wants to come over? And more importantly, what movies would you add?  If you think I might have seen it- I probably haven’t. Also note, I don’t do scary movies. Suspense, yes- scary, no.

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