Never Underestimate the Power of 140 Characters

The other day, I  put a presentation up on SlideShare, and after having a few people review it, ended up sending it out to a company I’m applying to. Basically the presentation talks about what I add to an organization and would be used as a personal branding video resume.

After that, I decided to send it in a Tweet to this guy Chris Brogan who I met at the New England Business Xpo. It was more or less a shot in the dark, but Chris is a great guy, very personable, and really just wants to help other people.

Luckily for me, the shot in the dark worked.

Chris Brogan, author of multiple social media books I’ve read, and creator the 3rd highest rated blog according to the Ad Age 150, tweeted my online resume to his 184,872 followers and included in this tweet two different upper-level Boston PR pros.

So far, there have been many retweets of his initial tweet and over 2,500 views of my presentation on SlideShare. I also received an email that my SlideShare was the most tweeted about that day and was  featured on the front page of the SlideShare site under the “What’s Hot on Twitter” section.

But the best news? The two PR Pros tweeted back.

I’ve gotten in touch out of the Twitterverse with the two PR pros and a few others for requests for my email to send along a potential opportunity. I’ve also received many tweets of support- encouraging my way of going about the job search, thinking my presentation was well done, or my personal favorite- someone better hire you soon!

Basically, all of this publicity and the potential for my big break comes back to a simple, 140 character message from a guy I met at a conference. When I tried to gush my thanks for my new found stardom to Chris, he responded, “Help others is always the answer to what to do with your stardom :).” He understands what a difference a message from him can make, and uses it to help people when he can. That, my friends, is tweeting it forward.

Please feel free to check out my presentation on Slideshare and be sure of course to click over to the YouTube video to really get the full effect.

Slideshare Presentation

3 thoughts on “Never Underestimate the Power of 140 Characters”

  1. Pingback: Why I’m Happy My Job Search is Taking Forever | Sarah Mitus

  2. Pingback: How I Got a Job | THE PURSUIT

  3. How cool is that! Definitely makes me more aware of how I can use twitter for good. Just found your blog – I live in Boston too!

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