I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This

I’ve somehow become a part of TWO book clubs. I can’t even make the monthly meeting for the first one I’ve joined- but I did make it to the Levo League one this month!

Levo League has started its own book club which is fun to see happen across the world in different cities as part of its Local Levo branches. This winter’s book was “I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This” by Kate White- the current editor in chief of Cosmopolitan magazine, author of multiple non-fiction and mystery novels and all around badass.

While the Boston group was small- it was a great chance to get to know members of the Levo League in the area and to continue to get more involved.

Some moments in the book that got me thinking:

-“They’re thinking about how their lives look instead of how their lives feel.”

Do you ever catch yourself comparing your life to the people around you? Like when all of your friends are in relationships and you’re not? Or everyone is moving on to grad school and you’re not? Try not to sift through all of your college friends’ Facebook photos comparing their lives to yours. Think about how you FEEL in your life. Do you feel like a relationship is missing? Try to find a way to meet more people. Stuck in a rut in your job? Find a way to fix it. Make changes in your life to make a positive impact on how you FEEL not how it looks to the outside.

– “But even though you didn’t wake up this morning with the urge to take down an antelope or a wild boar, do not panic. It doesn’t mean you aren’t cut out for big success. I think that focus and fierceness can sometimes take a while to fully bloom- and that they also require a bit of cultivation”

I thought this was interesting to read because I guess I always thought that I would just HAVE this fire inside of me to go after crazy success. It’s nice to know that this can grow over time as I figure out what I want to do and as I get closer and closer to doing that.

– “Stop using the phrase “I’m so busy.”- words have this tricky way of becoming our feelings. Meaning that if you say you’re busy, you will certainly feel busy. If you say you’re crazed, you’ll feel crazed.

I’m obsessed with this tip and am actively trying to get myself not to say “I’m so busy” when people ask me how I am. Everyone is busy. You just have to find a way to work with that stress and turn it into something productive because it will definitely NEVER go away.

What’s your favorite advice for navigating your career?