Local Levo: Boston

I’ve talked a little about Levo League, and how they are working hard to provide mentors and bring women together, but I don’t think I’ve talked much about the people behind the scenes.

I interact with most of them on Twitter, have emailed back and forth with quite a few, and pretty much felt like I was friends with them before I knew them.

(Have you ever met a Twitter friend in real life? Because let me tell you, it’s awesome.)

While the night was one of wonderful conversation around Levo League, how we could help, and women’s issues in the workplace, it was also about bringing women together to connect and help each other, in all facets of life. Conversation around the dinner table went to everything from what you want to do with your life, to online dating, to what your first AIM screenname was (BEST ICEBREAKER EVER).

But for me, what Levo does is bring about a community, which is a word I recently figured out is a HUGE part of my identity. Whether in the workplace using social media, in my volunteer efforts engaging with the Villanova Community, or with my writing for Levo League, it is the aspect of community which I am most drawn to. I want to feel a part of the group. I want to be helpful to someone.

This dinner with the Levo League women made me truly believe in what this small company could do. Not just because I believe in their mission, but because they are truly building communities and conversation around the issues that matter to their users. They listen to feedback and they actually act on it. Quickly.

The Levo ladies are a group of bright women whole-heartedly trying to do well for other women. It is inspiring to see a group of ladies so passionate about their organization’s mission, and so engaged with one another. I don’t even work there, and I left giving hugs and ‘talk to you soons’ to many people at the table.

Please check out LevoLeague.com and figure out how you can become more involved in the Local Levo Chapter in your area, right now in Boston, New York, Chicago and San Francisco.

All of the Boston ladies talking over dinner. Thanks for the pic Levo League- and for the pizza! šŸ™‚