My Domain Name

So you may or may not have noticed, my blog is now proudly displayed on 🙂

For ONLY twenty-five bucks a year (less than a cab ride home from the North End) it seemed like a wise investment.

Why make the switch?

  • Professional ImageBuying my own domain name says “I have arrived.” I’ve been blogging now for about eight months and don’t have any desire to stop in the future. Although blogging started as a hobby, I now see it as a creative outlet AND a professional one. I can parlay my professional knowledge in a professional way with my own domain name.
  • Domains are going fast- Although there are few other Sarah Mitus’s in the world (although someone DOES have both sarahmitus and I didn’t know how long my name would last without being grabbed. I’ve grown to not using my middle name (I don’t know why  I’m not a big fan) so I would have been really disappointed if I had to brand myself with it. I just spoke with a friend of mine who has owned his domain name for awhile and still hasn’t done anything with it- just to make sure it could be his.
  • Personal Branding- From a personal branding perspective, not only is this change professional, but great for my search results and sanity. Instead of telling people the long URL to my site (it never felt long to me, but for non-Wordpress users it is!) I can tell them to just type in my In regards to search, it is another URL the bots will find that will eventually rank high in my search rankings. Right now, the first page of Google results on my name are  my blog, Twitter, SlideShare and Tumblr– ALL sites which I control.

The only con to buying my domain name?

I have to buy new business cards. 🙂