3 Reasons I Read Blogs

I don’t know about you, but I always wonder how parents know so much. Sure, they’ve been alive more years than me, read more books than me, and experienced more in general than me, but what is it that actually gives them this knowledge?

I call my parents frequently to check in, but I also call to ask real questions I don’t know the answer to, like what should I do about X company, what does this weird noise mean in my car, and what shoes should I wear to a particular event?

Luckily for the Millennial Generation, we have figured out what to do when our parents stop answering, don’t return our calls, and exclaim, “You’re still here?!”


1. Random knowledge.

Last night, I had an extremely irrational fear of bed bugs. I had killed three little bugs while sitting in my bed and thought they were bed bugs. I googled pictures, but that just made me REALLY freaked out, so I tried to find out if it was likely I had them. Luckily, a man had written about how it’s near impossible for bed bugs to live in air mattresses, so I slept much more soundly.

2. Roundabout Customer Service.

Spring Break this year I went on a cruise with my friends, and we managed to squeeze all five of us in one room to live. Although the newer boats don’t allow you to because it’s a fire hazard, our beautiful older boat said it was just fine to squeeze us in every nook and cranny of our tiny room. Instead of calling customer service and trying to figure out the best way for five girls to live in a tiny room with no windows, Alyssa found a blog that explained that you can shower at the Spa for free. So, each afternoon, a few of us would go up to the spa to shower and get ready to save time and to be less crowded. If we had called customer service, they likely would have laughed at us (our steward did!).

Camp Glenbrook in the Tree House

3- Relevant, awesome  industry knowledge.

There are a lot of smart, influential bloggers out there, and anyone can read their brain FOR FREE. It’s amazing how much valuable information people will give to others when they are experts, thus relaying their expert opinions onto someone else. As Chris Brogan once wrote as he explained the purpose of ChrisBrogan.com, “My goal is to I give you 91% of everything I know how to do for free”.Why would he do such a thing? Cause he doesn’t have time to do it for you, and cause he’s a pretty nice guy.

Obviously there are many relevant blogs on social media (that’s what social media people do haha) but there are many blogs about Finance, World Politics, Fashion and Cooking. You can learn about most things, from experts, for free.

Why do you read blogs?