Business 3.0

Wednesday I went to part of an Executive Speaker Series on campus about Business 3.0, social media, and the other forms of new marketing. The main speaker was Patrick Meyer, President and Partner at Sourcebits, a leading application creator. Sourcebits’ current success: Knocking Live. Knocking Live allows smart phone users to stream short streams of live video to one another, increasing the social connection to feel as live as possible.

As part of Patrick’s presentation, he focused on six key principles to success:

1. Innovation is non-negotiable.

No matter what you’re doing, you always have to think of how to be better.

2. Exploit the Mobile Vortex

As described by the previous post, mobile is where it’s at. People have their smart phones and want to use them.

3. Mobile Video Live

With 4G on its way, video will be easier and faster to download, so  it will be used more frequently in communication online.

4. Mobile Social Fusion

It’s important to focus on how these mediums work together. How can you be more social on a mobile phone? When creating applications, how can they have social implications?

5. Geo- advantage

Understand how you can acquire information based on where you are. For example, in a sales presentation, if you could download the relevant store information while you are in the store, wouldn’t that benefit your ability to make a sale?

6. Episodic

Have experience in each of these new things to make you a well-rounded individual ready for anything. Don’t just be a social media marketer, but have an experience in mobile that makes you a great candidate for any job.

These success factors don’t have to be just marketing professionals, but see how you can incorporate this technology into other silos. How could sales presentations benefit from better technology? How much easier (and more fun) would explaining financial numbers be using new technology.

Just a few things to think about as you move forward into Business 3.0!