Facebook Pages: Personal Branding

I’ve been thinking for some time about whether or not I ought to create a Facebook page (as opposed to a personal profile which I already have) to represent my brand on Facebook. This way, by liking my page  instead of friending me, people can see how I work on Facebook as a business person in a professional manor on the venue that they know in love.

I read a few opinions from people I consider professionals on the subject whom agree being on Facebook is important from a personal branding standpoint.

  • Mashable suggests using a Facebook page so your brand can go viral and hold a spot on other people’s profiles in the interests at the bottom of their page. Also, a Facebook page will rank high in Google searches for you, and is another way YOU can control the information being said about you.
  • Brian Solis explains that it’s helpful not only to connect people with other contacts, but it happens to be a powerful platform for aggregating all online activity. People go to Facebook more than any other resource, so I should have a presence here too, even if it is just to lead them to other forms of interaction.
  • A Facebook page is important to your personal brand, according to Cindy Ratzlaff. You can use it to create customized tabs for specific content and interaction, and have the ability to acquire an unlimited amount of fans. Although I don’t see myself extending beyond the 5,000 friend limit, you never know!

Basically, all research has told me to go ahead with it, but my concern is from the silly college-girl side of me. I’m worried that the other kids will make fun of me for having a Facebook page and for caring about my personal brand in such a concrete way. Alternatively, I already have a blog, I really love doing it, and (however strange this may seem) I won’t be in college much longer!

So here it is: Like me on Facebook to receive updates of new blog posts and other Sarah Mitus information on your feed. 🙂